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Award Winning Criminal Defence Law Firm

Criminal Law Specialist Accreditation Badge
Law Institute Victoria Badge
Client Choice Awards Logo

Shaun Pascoe

Shaun Pascoe, is an Accredited Specialist in Criminal Law, and the Director of Pascoe Criminal Law. Shaun has more than 20 years’ experience as a criminal defence lawyer in Melbourne, Victoria. Shaun also contributes content to the Lexis Nexis Practical Guidance publication as a general advisor for criminal law (Victoria). 

Shaun Pascoe Criminal Law Specialist

Traffic Offences

Dangerous driving, careless driving, drive whilst license suspended and other traffic offences prosecuted under the Road Safety Act 1986 (Vic).

Drink Driving Offences

The length of the disqualification period depends upon the particular offence and various factors.

Drug Offences

The penalties vary depending upon the type and quantity of drugs involved and the circumstances in which the offence occurs.

Family Violence Offences

Assaults causing injury, harassment, stalking, threats to kill, Breach Family Violence Intervention Order and others.

Assault & Threat Offences

Assault, threats, or stalking offences can vary greatly depending upon the seriousness of the circumstances of the alleged offending.

Firearm Offences

The penalties for offences under the Firearms Act 1996 (Vic) depend upon whether the accused person is a prohibited or non-prohibited person. 

Property Offences

The penalties available for property offences vary greatly, and are not necessarily representative of the maximum penalty available.  

Sexual Offences

In Victoria, the sexual offences prosecuted by our Courts are contained in the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic). Depending upon the seriousness of the allegation, a sexual offence will usually be heard in either the Magistrates' Court or the County Court.

Diversion Applications

A diversion is a court outcome that enables a person to avoid a criminal history.

Intervention Orders

Family Violence Intervention Orders
& Personal Safety Intervention Orders

Bail Applications

The issue of bail usually arises following the arrest of a person and a subsequent police interview.

Royal Commissions & IBAC

If you receive a witness summons to attend to give evidence or produce documents at a Royal Commission.

Yusif Shamoon

Prior to joining Pascoe Criminal Law Yusif worked for the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and at a private criminal defence firm where he appeared on a daily basis for a variety of cases including pleas of guilty and bail applications.


Yusif is driven to provide his clients with exceptional service and has a strong commitment to social justice.


He provides great service to his clients by understanding their particular needs and requirements, and that they frequently require assistance at a crisis point in their lives. He works diligently to achieve outcomes for clients that best promote and protects their interests.


Yusif thrives on assisting clients in challenging circumstances, where effective advocacy, attentive work and problem-solving are paramount to achieving good practical outcomes for clients.


Outside of work Yusif keeps himself active and fit by playing indoor soccer with his local club. He is an avid follower of the English Premier League and enjoys travelling and spending time with friends
and family.

Yusif is fluent in Chaldean/Assryian and attends Court across all metropolitan and regional locations, especially Broadmeadows and Heidelberg Magistrates’ Court.

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